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Yon OB / GYN, oswa Obstetrisyen-jinekolojist, se yon doktè ki espesyalize nan sante repwodiksyon fi, gwosès ak akouchman. Sepandan, pratik nan OB / GYN se pa sa sèlman zòn sa yo pou kont li. OB / GYN yo ka aji tou premye swen sante yon fanm, oswa PCP. Yo ka fè tès depistaj pou maladi tankou kansè nan tete ak fi repwodiktif, dyabèt ak tansyon wo (ke yo rele tou tansyon wo). Yo ka ede fanm ki gen pwoblèm pou ansent, osi byen ke moun ki konsidere kòm nan gwo risk pou pwoblèm sante pandan ak apre gwosès la. OB / GYN ka ede fanm ki gen pwoblèm nan aparèy urin. Gen kèk OB / GYN ki travay avèk timoun ak adolesan, pandan ke lòt moun konsantre sou granmoun ak / oswa fanm granmoun aje yo.
Kèlkeswa doktè a Ob / Gyn ou wè, chak doktè isit la nan Monsey Health Center ap trete ou ak swen nan pli ekstrèm ak pwofesyonalis ke ou merite.

Rankontre Ekip nou an

Swen pèsonalize ak konsèy

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Edikasyon medikal Dr Chauhan te kòmanse nan peyi Zend, kote li te konplete MBBS li nan SP Medikal Kolèj nan 1998 kòm elèv nan tèt pou twa zan. Pandan twa ane sa yo li te travay kòm yon travayè jaden ede vaksinen timoun yo soti nan polyo ak òganize kondui san, Dr Chauhan tou ranpli rezidans li nan Obstetrik ak jinekoloji nan SN Medical College nan Agra, peyi Zend an 2004. Apre rezidans, li demenaje ale rete nan Wayòm Ini a e li te anplwaye pa tou de Rèn Elizabèt Lopital ak Rèn Mari Lopital kòm yon Ofisye Senior House. Li enskri nan Konsèy Medikal Jeneral Wayòm Ini a. Aprè li te vini Ozetazini Doktè Chauhan te konplete yon lòt pwogram rezidans nan Obstetrik ak jinekoloji nan 2010 nan Flushing Hospital Medical Center, kote li te resevwa yon prim nan dezyèm ane li kòm pi bon rezidan ansèyman. Apre rezidans, li te rantre nan Blair Medical Center ak Lè sa a, Hamilton Health Center nan Pennsylvania kòm yon doktè OBGYN, epi li te resevwa estati Sètifikasyon Komisyon Konsèy la.

Lang ki pale: angle, hindi

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Apre li te resevwa diplòm medikal li nan Ross University School of Medicine nan Bridgetown, Barbad, Doktè Sonia Kim te konplete yon estaj nan SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York. Apre sa, li te konplete rezidans li nan Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan.

Doktè Kim se yon OB/GYN ki gen ladrès epi ki gen eksperyans ki bay fanm swen eksepsyonèl nan tout etap lavi yo. Doktè Kim ede fanm rete an sante epi prepare pou gwosès. Li ofri swen prenatal, travay ak akouchman, ak swen apre akouchman, epi li gide fanm yo atravè chanjman ak defi menopoz yo.

lang ki pale: Angle, Koreyen

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Heather (Chana) King, CNM, WHNP, te resevwa BSN li nan Rutgers University an 2014. Li te kontinye edikasyon li nan Georgetown University,  touche yon doub Masters nan fanmsaj ak sante fanm. Anvan sa,  li te travay pou 9 ane kòm yon doula (antrenè travay) nan kominote a, li te resevwa sètifikasyon doula li nan men DONA (Doulas nan Amerik di Nò).


Chana dedye a sèvi ak edikasyon li,  osi byen ke eksperyans kòm yon antrenè travay, pou ede fanm  gen pozitif,  bay nesans ki gen respè pou chwa nesans endividyèl yo.  Li bay tou egzamen konplè pou fanm yo, vizit jinekolojik ak konsèy kontraseptif. 


Chana ap viv ak mari l ak pitit li nan Passaic, NJ.


Shaina Rosenwasser obtained her Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner certification at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY.  She has been trained in all aspects of Women’s Health, treating women of all ages in gynecological, prenatal, obstetrics and post-partum care.

Shaina conducts well-women annual exams, including education and prevention for diseases including cervical cancer.  She provides counseling on family planning and contraception, and treatment for adolescents, childbearing, menopausal and post-menopausal women.

Shaina’s well-rounded background and experience in Women’s Healthcare as well as in general nursing makes her a kind and compassionate provider appealing to women of all ages and backgrounds.

We are fortunate to have her as part of our OB/GYN team.

Languages Spoken:  English


Breindle Dworkin, MSN, APRN, CNM completed her Master of Science in Nurse Midwifery at Frontier Nursing University. She provides gynecologic and obstetric health service to a culturally diverse patient population. She has directed the Centering Pregnancy program which provides prenatal care & education in a group setting. She is committed to ensuring the health and well-being of women, both physically and mentally.

Languages Spoken:  English

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Janine Flores

Birth Doula and international medical graduate with a passion for obstetric and newborn care. During my medical training, I witnessed the significant lack of support women often face during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Observing the negative outcomes caused by this isolation inspired me to go beyond providing medical care and focus on delivering comprehensive support. This passion led me to become a Doula, empowering women, particularly those in Hispanic communities. Through education, guidance, and emotional support, I help mothers embrace their pregnancy journey and navigate the challenges of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum with confidence. My mission is to positively impact the lives of the mothers and babies I support.

Languages Spoken:  English, Spanish

(845) 352-6800

© 2021 pa Kominote Medikal ak Swen Dantè. Ak fyète kreye ak

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